How to wear your magnetic bracelet properly?

Many people ask, what is the best way to wear magnetic jewelry. First of all, there is no way at all to wear it wrong. It is no medical device, you can do nothing wrong to your health (just please do not swallow it, to prove “there is a wrong way” :)).

If you dig a little into the theory of magnetic therapy, you will find soon that the main thing is to keep it close to you veins to improve their oxygen carrying capacity of your blood cells.


According to this theor, you could place magnets on your body, wherever you wish to use their effects. Bracelet is only the simpliest way to do so.

The magnets used in our jewelry are strong enough to work, without touching the skin directly. Therefore, you can leave it a bit loose, just as it is the most comfortable. Simply as that!

To find the right bracelet size, there is some help HERE.