Slice of the History in pictures

Magnetic Therapy in the 19th century

It is well known that magnetic therapy is not the invention of the 21th century. It was even mentioned in “The Yellow Emperor’s Book of Internal Medicine” written around 2,000 B.C. in China. Now here you can see some interesting pictures from the 19th century. Ads that show how they used magnets, what they used them for and a slight insight in to the “fashion”.


Electromagnetic hairbrush (late 19th century) Claims are for successful treatment of baldness and dandruff as well as headaches.


Electromagnetic (actually magnetic) corsets, braces, insoles and appliances that are a “blessing for delicate women and a boon for weak or nervous men.”


Wilson’s “magneto-conservative” underwear. Note claims that the entire body can be enclosed and every form of disease is responsive . How comfortable might have that been?


“Wilsonia” magnetic corsets, “physicians recommend” .

If you would like to get some more information about magnets and magnetic therapy, you can find it HERE.

Source: A Historical Perspective of the Popular Use of Electric and Magnetic Therapy /Jeffrey R. Basford, MD, PhD/

Painkiller Addiction

There are several addictive things we are aware of. You know what smoking can cause, you have seen alcoholic people and no one would think that drugs like heroine are harmless.

But what happens if you meet something that is „normal”, that is not that known of its dangers? You can be easily addicted to it,without realizing it in time. One of these things are painkillers. You have some medical issue, you go to the doctor who subscribes some pills. And that is all. You might be just a little weak, dealing with personal life problems and so it starts. When you feel pain, you swallow a tab and everything is just better. Of course, because the pain disappeared. But that is not all. These medications have „side effects”, they are relaxing, calming you down, everything seems easier. And that is the point when they start to work like other well known drugs.


How do they work?

They are effecting your body on three levels:

  • Addiction is the behavioral phenomenon and addiction can be defined as compulsive use of a substance. It’s also characterized by lack of control, so you lose control over yourself; you tend to focus very much on the drug. In fact, your whole life becomes the drug, obtaining the drug, and when are you going to get it next. You become preoccupied with obtaining the drug. This happens even when you are harming yourself.
  • Physical dependence refers to developing withdrawal symptoms during abstinence. In other words, if you’re taking a certain drug, and we’re talking here about opioid drugs, and you suddenly stop it, it is normal for you to go through withdrawal. That simply means you have developed a physical dependence.
  • Tolerance , once again, is a normal physiological process and it refers to the need for an increased dosage in order to produce the desired effect. So what this would refer to in pain is when a patient needs more of an opioid in order to obtain the same degree of pain relief they’ve had on a lower dosage.

“By the end of 2009 I had tried to cut down but the more I was taking the worse the withdrawal symptoms became. At this stage I needed to have six every morning on waking just to stop the shaking and vomiting, since my body detoxed the previous day’s dose overnight. I was taking 45 lozenges throughout the day simply to keep these withdrawal symptoms at bay. I would weep and laugh hysterically – I was convinced demons lived in my ceiling – and I could barely walk.”

Now probably you can see the spiral that brings you down. You start to take more than you should, and you misunderstand the symptoms when you stop. There’s something wrong, so you take your pill. But it was not the original pain you felt, it might have been the withdrawal. So to avoid it, you take pills, so it gets worse if you want to stop. Beside, you need more and more to get relief. It also influences you mentally, therefore you do not see where it brings you. It doesn’t happen in 1-2 days of course, the changing takes place slowly, which makes it even harder to recognize.

And anyway, why should you worry, you are just taking the pills you supposed to! There is nothing illegal, nothing wrong. It is all all right. Others can’t understand, they do not feel the pain…

What can you do, when you reached that point? Seek medical advice! it is not  a problem you can solve yourself! Even if you are a strong personality it is not only a question of willing. It is addiction, with very strong physical affects. It only gets worse, if you postpone it.

Hopefully, that is enough if you know, there is a risk. You can control your dose and watch the symptoms. There are a several natural, non chemical ways of relief as well. Try yoga or meditation, natural painkillers or other alternative methods.



Although it is known, that woman have better emotional skills, they have a bit harder job with gifts. You can say, almost every girl is happy if she gets some flowers, special chocolate,cosmetics or jewelry. If we are talking about men, do you know any present that is a success for sure? Ok, except alcohol – not really. Probably every single woman knows that struggle, the brainstorming with the friends and still, no idea.

But you know what? Maybe we can help!

Valentine’s day is pretty much the occasion, when you can focus on expressing your love. Maybe on his birthday or at Christmas it is more important to find something that has a practical value, but not on the 14. February. Now, the only point of your present is to show how much you care, do nor forget that!

Why a bracelet?
To give jewelry for a men is not something usual, in opposite: it is a very special gesture! It says, we are close enough to do so.  What else would you like to say to him?

At last but not least bracelets are always with him. He can wear it everyday, look at it and think of you. It is not in his pocket, not on a shelf at home, it is actually on his hand touching his skin…If you point it out for him, probably he will wear it with the sweetest thoughts.

Convinced? Then time to pick the right one! Below you can find for which personality which bracelets we suggest.
Click on the photos for details!

  1. The Gentleman
    He is not from this century! Always gallant, naturally nice from the core from of his heart. He is calm and relaxed, but you know that for you he would kill all the dragons of the world. You can feel like a real princess beside him.lovag
  2. The Bad-ass
    And that’s why you fall in love with him. He is the bad guy, whose hidden sweet side you are the only one who knows. From the outside he is hard and cheeky. The other men wants to compete him, and all the other woman are falling for him.brtb-4-wmps
  3. The Individuality
    He is a real caution! Different in a charming way,  full of new and original thoughts! You cannot stop listening him, he is just so interesting! He has got called a weirdo at least once in his life.  Here is something extra for him.copperman
  4. The Sportsman
    Healthy and well built body is extremely important for him.  Enjoys all kind of sports, he is full of energy.  His clothes and look shows that too,  everything is functional and leisured. Why would you buy him a metal bracelet, which he cannot wear daily?sportsman

Don’t worry!

There is no time limit for re-sizing bracelets!
During the first 30 days: The returned item can in any condition for a refund or exchange, whichever you want!
After the first 30 days: The returned item must be new & un-used, and with a copy of the original invoice