Guess that it was bound to happen


…Just a habit of mine.

I keep talking about why customers are happy / But forgetting ’bout what makes them whine.

Now it seems I was doing a puff job / Just an ordinary blog couldn’t do.

But I can’t turn a blind eye to what’s bugging you.

You’ve really got to hand it to me / I praised Magnetic Products Store

And just when you thought I’d gone away / I came back and then praised them some more.

I was trying to make customers happy / that’s the thing that good salespeople do.

But I can’t turn a blind eye to what’s bugging you.


What AM I banging on about? Those of you too young to remember Jim Croce won’t have a clue. Okay so let me put you out of your misery. Most customers are very happy. End of! But a few are not. That is to say, they love the product they purchased, but they have some small, nagging problems that spoil an otherwise perfect customer experience.

Fortunately, MPS does not take its customers for granted. And so on their website they have an entire section devoted to Troubleshooting. For example, supposing there is a problem opening the clasp? What if it keeps getting stuck? The MPS troubleshooting section has a very good HELP Page for this.


Fix the clasp

What more can I say. Check out the other MPS Troubleshooting pages for problems like how to remove links from regular or expanding bracelets. Oh and one more thing:

Clasps are made for opening / and for snapping shut too

And links are now made for removing / If the bracelet is large and it doesn’t fit you.

Still I hope that you can find a bracelet that suits your style and taste

If you cannot find the one you want then this entire blog is a waste.

’cause they’re trying to keep customers happy / that’s the thing all good retailers do.

And I’m sure that MPS will have the one for you.


Time waits for no man…

Almada Premium IonTopia Bracelet Have you noticed how summer seems to go by so quickly. If only someone could invent a magnetic bracelet that could actually make time run slower (or better still turn it backward) that would truly be a boon to mankind. Unfortunately, that is the stuff of fairy stories. And as one of the characters said in ET: “This is reality!”

So no time-warping magnetic bracelets just yet – not unless Doctor Who puts in an appearance. So what’s to be done? Well if we can’t turn back time, can we not at least use it more wisely? Of course, we can. But for that, we must feel good. We need more energy. And one way to get it is with magnetic bracelets, such as the IonTopia range of Magnetic Products Store.

ALPDA CrucisThis range is unique to MPS and is on the cutting edge of magnetic therapy and the use of magnets for health. But better yet is the fact that these bracelets look so classy. None of that poorly-made rubbish you get in some places. It is this combination of the positive therapeutic effects of these bracelets and their aesthetic beauty – itself an inherent contributory cause to the feel-good factor – that makes them worth taking a look at… and even buying.

Range wars

Guess who has the biggest range of magnetic bracelets in the world? I’ll put you out of your misery right away. The answer is Magnetic Products Store. And not only magnetic therapy bracelets. They also have magnetic necklaces, anklets, wraps, supports and sports magnets for athletes and golfers.

Swarovski royal blueFor example they have over a hundred different titanium magnetic bracelets, ranging from double strength, jet black titanium, 4-in-1 Bio elements bracelets and, of course,  titanium bracelets with those wonderful Swarowski elements.

They also have nearly fifty different copper magnetic bracelets including bangles, links bracelets, expanding bracelets and of course copper bracelets for arthritis. They also have a wonderful gemstone collection and some beautiful stainless steel bracelets.

Tarim white crystalsThe real question is, why don’t we see more magnetic bracelets on the high street? After all, there must be a market for such beautiful products. Ah yes, there certainly is. But taking it to the high street is expensive and limiting. Even one shop involves heavy start-up costs and one shop only makes the bracelets available in one area. In contrast, the internet makes those same bracelets available everywhere.

Remember that even in the online world, not everything is equal. Some magnetic bracelets are better than others. Some lines are better than others. And some vendors are better than others. Magnetic Products Store is very much top-of-the-range in terms of both quality and variety.

But what do YOU think?

Win a Copper Bracelet!

A new MPS Giveaway just started!

Like the Facebook page, and participate in the Sweepstake!


You can read about the advantages of Copper Jewelry HERE.

No arms, no legs, no worries

Did you ever realized how lucky you are? And how much you could do? Well this man helps you to figure it all out.

Many people heard about him, but I think not enough. This guy, Nick Vojicic was born without arms or legs, has been in the deepest depression and still now has got a complete happy life. How can he do that, and how can we not? Watching him helps to appreciate what you got and makes you to face what you are doing wrong at the same time.

If you need motivation, or just would like to laugh (because he is a great comedian too:) check his video here:


NEW service!

From now on, MPS offers a FREE opportunity to get  personal messages engraved into several bracelets!
They are the same top quality bracelets but with a blank tag between the regular links.

You can get something engraved on both sides, which provides wide place for your creativity. A personal message makes your gift even more unique, and touches your loved ones heart every time he/she looks at it!
Perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries or graduation!


Find the bracelets and more details here:

An inspirational person

A success story of a man, who recognized that his weight is not only a little problem anymore and actually could make a change.

Of course we can say, that his state was an extremity, and distance yourself from his story. But I think we all have some kind of issues, which makes our life worse, but for some reason we do not fight it. Rather just say: “nobody’s perfect”.

What everyone should learn from this story, that we have to face our problems and do so as soon as possible. Before things are getting serious, especially if it is about our health!

The countdown started! 9 days left

From our June Giveaway on our facebook page!
Drop us a like and win a classy MPS bracelet!


There are two Titanium Bracelets waiting for their owner.
One for the Ladies, and one for the Gentlemen!
Do you like them? Like us!


Coronavirus: New virus ‘not yet global threat’

Time to time there is a new deadly virus pops up, and all the media and all the people are going crazy. And then it’s gone.

But, is it gone, because we were all well informed and prepared (vaccinate) or it was only a hype?

What if, once we would not take it serious enough, because we heard “DANGER!” too many times? What would happen?

Some people say, that the pharmaceutical industry is the one behind it. But would we risk, not to protect ourselves though?

Win one of our New Bracelets!

Win a classy bracelet!


brt-1052-wmpswether you are a real Lady
a neat Gentlemen 

we have a bracelet for YOU!

Enter here:
